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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

fast five wallpaper hd

fast five wallpaper hd. 5th installment of Fast and
  • 5th installment of Fast and

  • i hate phones
    Mar 29, 10:27 AM
    so i just purchased an album through amazon and stored it in the cloud just to see what it was like... I got the this browser is not supported on my iphone when going to the cloud player, i clicked on continue anyway or whatever it was... and i was able to play my album on my iphone. the upload music files link is grayed out but i can still listen to the album. can't confirm playback of files that have been uploaded to the cloud but purchased from amazon and stored in cloud seems to work on iphone :)

    Edit: I am using safari... I am also jailbroken so I don't know if there is any hidden difference?

    fast five wallpaper hd. Fast Five (2011) HD Wallpaper
  • Fast Five (2011) HD Wallpaper

  • Multimedia
    Aug 11, 10:16 PM
    It would be cool for them to keep the yonah in the low-end MacBook. That way with the price drop they could get back to a $999 entry-level notebook.

    Merom definitely in the Black Macbook though, if this is true.

    Great News! Still hoping for a case redesign in the MBP for mine. :)You can buy the Yonah entry MacBook on the SAVE page of the Apple online store for $949 already. Been so for months. They are not going to keep putting Yonah in anything. Merom cost them the same money. No incentive to keep putting 32-bit processors in anything any longer than they must because the future is Leopard and Leopard is all about full 64-bit support.

    MacBook Pro is very likely redesigned for Merom including that easy HD swap out capability that's already in the MacBook Pro Jr. - I mean MacBook. :eek: :D

    Here's how I see Apple using Merom:

    MacBook Pro gets these two:

    Core 2 Duo T7600 - 2.33 GHz (4 MiB L2, 667 MHz FSB) 15" Top $2499 & 17" $2799
    Core 2 Duo T7400 - 2.16 GHz (4 MiB L2, 667 MHz FSB) 15" Bottom $1999

    MacBook Gets these two:

    Core 2 Duo T7200 - 2.00 GHz (4 MiB L2, 667 MHz FSB) Superdrive Black $1499 & White $1299
    Core 2 Duo T5600 - 1.83 GHz (2 MiB L2, 667 MHz FSB) Combo White $1099

    Mac mini gets these two:

    Core 2 Duo T5600 - 1.83 GHz (2 MiB L2, 667 MHz FSB) Superdrive $799
    Core 2 Duo T5500 - 1.66 GHz (2 MiB L2, 667 MHz FSB) Combo $599

    I wish they would stop selling Combo Opticals. They could use Single Layer Superdrives as a differentiator instead.

    fast five wallpaper hd. fast five hd wallpapers.
  • fast five hd wallpapers.

  • milozauckerman
    Aug 7, 06:14 PM
    I'm SO angry too! I'm seriously going to be PISSED OFF until Apple offers a 50 GHz workstation with 32 GB of RAM and a 4 TB hard drive for free!
    Reductio ad absurdum only works if the original argument/request was absurd (hmmm...).

    I, for one, am not asking for anything extraordinary or underpriced. I think the people looking for a $999 desktop are nuts, too. That's a market where Apple doesn't have a niche to get into.

    But a sub-$2k desktop with a decent-to-good graphics card (and yes, the 7300 GT is completely useless - the x1600 in the iMac I'm using right now

    I want something in competition with the mid-range PCs of the world - a tower with a 2.4GHz Conroe or a 2.0GHz single Xeon, with a graphics card at least capable of playing whatever games are out (once upon a time, I remember playing games now and then), two hard drive bays (four is nice, but two gives me a boot drive and a media drive, backups can go external), for $1599-2000 retail.

    If Gateway can sell me a 2.4GHz Conroe with X1900 XT - more than adequate for my needs in photography and design, with the added benefit of games - for $1850, why the hell can't Apple sell me one for $2k? I'll happily pay the Apple Tax for something that genuinely fits my needs.

    fast five wallpaper hd. vin diesel wallpaper hd.
  • vin diesel wallpaper hd.

  • likemyorbs
    Apr 18, 02:54 PM
    Wow apple is way out of line here, this is not right. That's like if the first company to create a netbook sued every other company who made a netbook afterward.

    fast five wallpaper hd. Fast amp; Furious : Fast Five
  • Fast amp; Furious : Fast Five

  • Roy Hobbs
    Aug 2, 01:38 PM
    If you 'can't have cameras' dont use them. It doesnt matter if they are built in. And for people with dual monitors they will have... er... oh yeh two cameras :D

    It does matter if they are built in or not......many government facilities adn the like will not allow ANY cameras in the building regardless if you are using them or not. More and more companies are implementing policies like this.

    fast five wallpaper hd. the fast five wallpaper.
  • the fast five wallpaper.

  • koobcamuk
    Apr 25, 09:45 AM
    I urge anyone who is a regular Macrumors reader to ignore anyone labeled as Newbie in threads/discussions on this tracking/location issue. Most are trolls.

    I was one of the more vocal advocates on these threads way back when in the early days of the antennagate fiasco and the sheer number of trolls were mind-numbing. Of course they all went away into their trolldom caves, but some are showing their trollish faces again.

    Another tip: best way to ignore trolls is to not feed them.

    Rather ironic how your entire post is not constructive to the argument, and is merely troll-baiting.

    You're a n00b to me; I have 2 years on you.

    fast five wallpaper hd. the fast five wallpaper.
  • the fast five wallpaper.

  • scupking
    May 6, 07:53 AM
    Intel makes some great processors. It would be a bad idea to move to ARM. Sure keep ARM in the mobile world like the iPad and iphones but don't bring them to laptops and desktops. Can't wait to see how Intels ivy bridge is next year.

    fast five wallpaper hd. Fast Five Movie Trailer
  • Fast Five Movie Trailer

  • tripjammer
    Mar 28, 11:24 AM
    The Iphone 5 will come out this summer...they said the same thing about the Ipad 2 and it game out on time.

    Has Apple ever let us down?

    fast five wallpaper hd. Fast Five movie (2011) hd
  • Fast Five movie (2011) hd

  • CellarDoor
    Aug 4, 01:58 PM
    Duh, I mean what advantage would 64-bit processors & software over 32-bit?
    64bit OS & software on a 64 bit processor (especially a dual core) is much better at multitasking, for one.

    fast five wallpaper hd. Fast Five Movie Wallpaper
  • Fast Five Movie Wallpaper

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 5, 03:05 PM
    There should be an app to regain control of the breaks in a toyota.

    A panic button app.

    fast five wallpaper hd. Fast Five Wallpaper wall paper
  • Fast Five Wallpaper wall paper

  • 0010101
    Nov 24, 09:20 PM
    For those of you who may have forgotten, or are too young to remember, Apple has had more than it's share of Cleveland Steamers.. and an iPhone would just be another turd in the punchbowl.

    iPod was a hit because nobody at the time of iPods introduction made anything like it. Sure, there were other players out there, but nothing came even remotely close to the features, size, and ease of use.

    The cellular phone market is a whole different playing field, with dozens of established manufacturers with a significant head start (decades) and an established user base.

    Apple has about as good a chance of entering the cell phone market as LG does entering the MP3 player market.

    While there are folks out there who would buy any piece of plastic that Steve Jobs wiped his rear with and stuck an 'i' in front of the name, in order for it to appeal to the masses, it's going to have to be cool looking, feature rich, and perhaps most importantly, widely available, and inexpensive.

    Apple doesn't do inexpensive very well.. and 'playing with others' isn't one of their strengths, either. Both are requirements to enter an already highly competitive cell phone marketplace.

    Apple needs to get back to what they do best, which is innovate in untapped or barely tapped markets where they really stand out and shine against the competition.. Apple II, Original Macintosh, iPod, etc. Not jump into an already saturated market with little to distinguish themselves between the competition but a pretty case.

    fast five wallpaper hd. Fast Five Movie Trailer
  • Fast Five Movie Trailer

  • joost538
    Aug 11, 09:26 AM
    Makes no sense to put these in Macbook so soon. Macbook Pro, yes, but not the macbook. Apple have always differentiated the two lines, the fact that current Macbooks are comparable to the Pros is just plain luck and won't last long, IMO.

    fast five wallpaper hd. the fast five wallpaper.
  • the fast five wallpaper.

  • ticman
    Nov 12, 05:45 AM
    LOL I keep checking the Bottomline Telecommunications site for updates that they received their shipment and my shipment is emminent. Oh well patience is a virtue. Did I mention that i wasn't virtuous. LOL

    fast five wallpaper hd. Fast Fave (2011) HD Wallpaper
  • Fast Fave (2011) HD Wallpaper

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Nov 22, 09:28 AM
    HEY! who's he calling a "PC guy"??! :mad:
    Exactly, Mac guys are though. Actually nobody is walking anywhere, very bad analogy. Apple isn't going to walk in, they're are going to use their thought processes, thier leadership, thier skills, thier talents, thier expirence, and their knowhow, to proove there's a reason why Apple makes things better then the other, and they will once again be proven right, I hope.

    fast five wallpaper hd. wallpapers HD Fast Five
  • wallpapers HD Fast Five

  • Full of Win
    Mar 30, 05:42 PM
    So I guess that Gold Master rumor was wrong.

    fast five wallpaper hd. in Fast Five Wallpaper
  • in Fast Five Wallpaper

  • Howdr
    Apr 5, 03:52 PM
    Why is Apple bothered by jailbreaking? Why does Apple oppose jailbreaking? Again, as a company which tightly controls the user experience of their devices and doesn't like news such as security flaws, I'm sure there are many things which bother them about jailbreaking, but again there is probably one primary cause: software piracy. Jailbreaking enables software piracy and there's not a whole lot that even the jailbreaking community can do about that.

    fast five wallpaper hd. in Fast Five Wallpaper
  • in Fast Five Wallpaper

  • Benjy91
    Apr 20, 09:46 AM
    I wouldn't mind a heavier phone, if it meant better battery life or a bigger screen.

    I think Apple are too obsessed with this "Thinner, Lighter" everything. It's a phone, it is no where near 'Heavy'

    fast five wallpaper hd. Movie - Fast Five Wallpaper
  • Movie - Fast Five Wallpaper

  • throttlemeister
    Mar 31, 12:39 AM
    Yup. Ever since our government and our dollars allow larger companies to strong arm smaller businesses to manufacture their products cheaper overseas, thereby shutting down American plants and businesses, we shot ourselves in the collective foot.

    Google Walmart and Rubbermaid. The growing trend in overseas production was kicked in high gear when Walmart threatened Rubbermaid that they would pull their product if they didn't shut down their American businesses to manufacture their products in cheaper bulk in China. Rubbermaid refused as they employed thousands of Americans, and not just in production plants but in marketing, etc. In 1994 Walmart pulled all Rubbermaid products from their shelves, Rubbermaid lost 60%+ of their business, almost went bankrupt, was bought by another company, shut down their plants, and acquiesced to Walmart. Walmart then went into the towns where Rubbermaid once employed so many and built Walmarts. Now ex-Rubbermaid employees who had pensions, 401k's and 100K+ salaries are forced to shell out cheap Chinese goods at minimum wage.


    AND GET READY, now that the Supreme Court has ruled that politicians can receive UNLIMITED FUNDING from CORPORATIONS, we will see even more corporate Amerikkka placing their divested interests into Washington. More nuclear power plants and waste and BP oil spills? "You betcha! Drill, baby, drill" and keep those lobbyists working! :rolleyes:

    FACT: the biggest cargo ship to date was built in China, it carries manufactured products to the US, and garbage disposed of FROM the US. The mid-20th Century, we were one of the biggest producers of quality goods in the world. Now, with a failed education system, 60%+ of our money going to our military to obtain natural resources and less money to become an educated and healthy global member, we are simply "meat with eyes", consuming everything that is marketed our way, spending our money through Goldman Sachs and producing almost NOTHING.
    Yes, it's the government's fault, together with corporate America. Easy ain't it, blaming politicians and greedy CEO's? How about taking a long hard look at your own (aka The Consumer) behavior? Why do you think Wall-Mart is so big and little Mom & Pop stores are all but extinct? The Consumer does not want to pay for American/European/Western made products, they want cheap, cheap, cheap. The Consumer does not care about quality, they want the cheapest possible product, and then bitch and whine when it fails. You, The Consumer, is what made corporations go to Asia and other cheap labor countries, because you, The Consumer, refused to pay for the 100k+ salaries, 401K and pensions of working Americans. You can't have the cake and eat it too. If The Consumer wanted quality products that are Made in the USA, they would have bought them and it would be a selling point for the companies making them.

    Stop blaming politicians and corporations for the results of your own buying behavior. Take some responsibility for your own actions for a change.

    Anyway, I can't wait for Lion. I am sure it has features I will not use, and I am just as sure it has features I really love. And if I don't like it, I can always go back to SL, or even completely move away from Apple. It is not like Apple is the be all, end all and I am forced to use their product. There is plenty of alternatives out there.

    fast five wallpaper hd. fast five hd wallpapers.
  • fast five hd wallpapers.

  • paul4339
    Apr 7, 05:01 PM
    What Microsoft has doesn't transfer to the tablet market. Ok, they have cash. They have enough money to give away 80 million tablets. If they do that, over the next three years, the cash is gone, and Apple + Android will still sell more units :D

    Distribution channel? What distribution channel does Microsoft have for hardware? They don't. Zune was a failure. XBox and tablets are two completely different markets.

    The developers are writing iPhone / iPad apps.

    And how would Microsoft go about "leveraging the desktop"? People throw out computers and buy an iPad. People don't say "well, I have a Windows PC, I will buy a Microsoft tablet to go with it". They say "well, I have a Windows PC, I will buy an iPad so I can get rid of that old PC".

    >Ok, they have cash.
    They have enough buy RIM, Motorola, and HTC if they really wanted to.

    > Distribution channel?
    MS has probably one of the widest distribution channels on the consumer and enterprise markets...BTW, Im not saying they should make MS hardware, just the OS. They have contacts with almost ALL the manufacturers and resellers. One thing I learned was never to underestimate Microsoft. (I agree that their hardware products are mostly failures)

    > The developers are writing iPhone / iPad apps.
    I agree... that's why they have to leverage their existing developer communities.

    > And how would Microsoft go about "leveraging the desktop"? People throw out computers and buy an iPad. People don't say "well, I have a Windows PC, I will buy a Microsoft tablet to go with it". They say "well, I have a Windows PC, I will buy an iPad so I can get rid of that old PC"

    Not true. People go with what they know - and Apple/Google are quickly setting the new OS standard for tablets; But do not ignore that's LOTs of people that are familiar with Windows (over 1 billion window users. Are they going to throw that away or find a way to leverage?).

    Aug 7, 05:56 PM
    I find it funny that the online apple store has the Quadcore G5 still listed at $3299. $800 dollars more than the default MacPro which has 1GB ram as opposed to the meger 512MB in the G5, Quad 2.66 vs Quad 2.5, a GeForce 7300 vs the Geforce 6600, not to mention the many other bad ass features like 4 HD bays etc. Is it just me, or should the G5 price come down a bit, at least lower than the new MacPro...But then what do I know, I am still running a 500Mhz G3 as my primary machine, by the time all my student loans are paid perhaps the Quad Quad core will be out : )

    Apr 18, 03:19 PM
    If Apple cannot beat them....they sue them. Way to go Apple, you are devoid of morals and innovation.

    When can we officially say that Apple is now the New Microsoft?

    Not at all. But nice try.

    Nov 3, 10:11 AM
    DOH - Not sure how this double posted - I wrote it and after submitting it I had to sign back in. Looks like my session timed out...

    Jan 6, 02:47 PM
    Mine didn't rattle... but the audio output was dropping out, so I had to return mine. It took ~ 3 weeks to get the replacement.

    Thanks for the info. I seem to have a bit of play in the part of the dock that rotates. Just holding the car kit in my hands there is play in this part of the mechanism so when I'm on the road its rattling all the time. You don't have this issue? Everything else seems to work so I'm hesitant to send it back as I might get one that's worse!

    Mar 29, 03:56 PM
    It is funny the same people who would have blasted Apple to the moon for doing something like this not only don't call Amazon out on it, but actually blame Apple for it.

    It is silly yet predictable.