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Saturday, May 21, 2011

spider bite rash

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  • mav728
    Aug 4, 05:02 PM
    I have heard the opposite of this. My source has said that Apple will most likely wait until the next product cycle until the merom will be put in apple computers. But this is his own guess, but he his very connected in the technology world.

    spider bite rash. Spider bite symptoms
  • Spider bite symptoms

  • uber_nerd
    Apr 23, 05:45 PM
    The basic fact is vector graphics aren't always appropriate. A lot of things really can only be done, or can be done much better, with pixels. For any image with a lot of detail, it's easier -- both for the artists making them, and for the computers rendering them -- to store an extremely high resolution bitmapped image, and then downscale it as necessary, than it is to make and render a vectorized version that is "truly" resolution independent.

    And now Apple's realized that by targeting "Retina Display" resolution levels, this is the last increase in image sizes they'll ever reasonably need: there's no point in making images bigger beyond this point (or displays with higher-than-retina-level DPI one would need to render them) because your eyes really won't be able to tell the difference.

    See above for the win!

    It will be the last big change for mouse driven interfaces. Even if retina size monitors become massive (e.g. 50 inch) the physical size of an icon on the screen will remain the same as today. Increasing resolution beyond "retina" is pointless, it would only play to pixel-peeping freaks with magnifying glasses - hardly a profitable segment of society.

    Same reason print resolution has not increased in a long long time. Once printing resolution matured there were other things to focus on (colour, contrast, etc). Same will play out for computer monitors.

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  • Abstract
    Apr 9, 07:24 PM
    Definitely 288.

    And no, it doesn't depend on how you read it. Actually, I suppose that's not true. Anyone who looked at the equation and figured out it was 288 was right, and everyone else who sees it otherwise was wrong. :p

    spider bite rash. Brown Recluse Spider Bite
  • Brown Recluse Spider Bite

  • Ammo
    Apr 20, 07:46 AM
    No LTE/4G = No sale

    Would HSPA+ w/ expanded backhaul persuade you?

    I think people highly underestimate HSPA+'s capabilities. If it's giving you 4G speeds, why does it matter if it's HSPA+ than LTE? (While the LTE network is being built...which will definitely have its advantages over time BUT for the time being HSPA+ is screaming fast)

    spider bite rash. spider bite rashes. MikeDTyke
  • spider bite rashes. MikeDTyke

  • DavidLeblond
    Jul 29, 08:44 PM
    Of course Verizon will wait two years before they decide to adopt it into their lineup.

    Yeah tell me about it.

    How much does it take to break a Verizon contract again...?

    spider bite rash. spider bite rash. spider
  • spider bite rash. spider

  • snberk103
    May 6, 07:11 PM
    Originally Posted by snberk103
    You are entirely correct. There is really nothing that will make the daily life of an American citizen better 'cause their can of Bud is 331ml, or their corn-beef sandwich has 125gs of beef, and 12ml of mustard on two slices of rye, each 115mm thick.
    Quite frankly I really don't understand why this attitude is necessary. Have I been rude or condescending towards you in this discussion? Has anyone else in this thread?

    I think the most insulting part is that you couldn't even make a coherent point with this sarcasm. Are you trying to poke fun at random numbers in the imperial system? Arbitrary values in general? Americans who eat roast beef?

    What sarcasm? I was being quite serious. I actually and honestly agree with you that it won't make the vast majority of anyone's life easier if they use metric. I was being a little silly with the numbers, true... but it was not meant as sarcasm. I was born in the US, and was there until I was in grade 5. I moved to Canada when it was still using Imperial measures. And I mean the real Imperial, as in British Empire, not the slightly different American versions. And you are entirely correct - I coped just fine with gallons and ounces, feet and miles, etc etc. The biggest problem I had was converting from Imperial to American gallons/quarts/pints - and trying to figure out if my measuring cup was made in the Canada - i.e. true Imperial, or in the USA. And if it was made in the USA, was it calibrated in American sized units or was it calibrated for export and in true Imperial. As a photographer mixing up developers, fixers, etc, these questions were important. I swapped to metric volumes soon as I could for this reason - not because I couldn't work in ounces, etc.

    Oh you mean how you still have a queen as your sovereign? Or how you mandate bilingual education for a stark minority of French Canadians? Or how the United Kingdom still has an unwritten constitution? Or how half of Europe still has an official state church? Or how the French presume guilt rather than innocence? Or how Italy is still run by political machines?
    Guilty as charged... though we like to think being bilingual is a good and modern thing. We also have quarter of our population that hasn't signed onto our constitution (unlike the UK, we at least wrote ours down - we just don't yet have it fully ratified yet - sigh)

    Modernity is always a hindsight judgment. What should matter is if the system is not working for the people who use it. With private industries transitioning manufacturing to metric, the biggest argument in favor of the metric system is moot. The question then comes down to whether or not you are better positioned to judge what other people need or want.

    Yes, I was poking some buttons there. It's one that is sure to get most Americans into a lather, too. My point about the "claiming to be modern", is that the USA spends a lot of time telling the rest of the world how great it is...and it is in many ways, no argument. But there are some areas where the rest of world is, um, "greater." (Tongue In Cheek!) It is annoying to the rest of the world when Americans travel and think our metric signage is "quaint"... (First hand experience). I believe that, by definition, it's not our signage that is quaint. :)

    ps.... one of the defining characteristics of being Canadian is our smugness. Deserved or not, we already know it.

    spider bite rash. Spider Bite?
  • Spider Bite?

  • milo
    May 4, 03:32 PM
    I'm only "hung up" on that because that's what everything points to right now.

    Except that NOTHING points to that right now. There has never been an OS for sale on the app store before. Assuming that it will be handled exactly the same as an app is lunacy.

    This reminds me of the thread a couple weeks back about FCS where the "professional experts" were all ranting because they assumed that since only Final Cut was shown it meant all the other apps in the suite were discontinued, and assumed that any feature that wasn't shown in the presentation was removed from the app.

    spider bite rash. Picture 12: Spider bite,
  • Picture 12: Spider bite,

  • MacAddict1978
    Apr 25, 10:46 AM
    And they can get that data directly from the telecos without access to your phone. I highly doubt this database exists for that purpose when there are much more seamless/invisible ways to get the information. (Waits patiently for someone to down vote this reply since I mentioned the government getting information from the telcos...ignoring the fact I never took a position on it personally. So much for staying informed.)


    No... they use a third party company to hack the phone, and have been for the past year. It's funny this just not became newsworthy as the cops have been on this since the 3GS and have convicted people with the location data. Sorry about your alibis.

    spider bite rash. Black Widow Spider Bites
  • Black Widow Spider Bites

  • akac
    Mar 31, 10:00 AM
    LMAO, come on man!

    You changed your ways to suit the OS? I'd understand if you were use to inverted but the OP is correct. It should not be defaulted inverted.

    I bet you were also "holding it wrong". I love my apple gadgets, but thats a bit borderline ridiculous.

    No, its not. You're not changing your ways to suit the OS. You are seeing if the new way works better. And honestly on trackpads the new way DOES work better. On mice, the old way works better.

    spider bite rash. spider bite rash. rash on his
  • spider bite rash. rash on his

  • balamw
    Apr 10, 06:24 PM
    What is my assumption?

    Your assumption is that the multiplication of 2*(12) takes precedence over the 48/2. This is incorrect for the many reasons stated in the thread.

    It can't without the extra parentheses.


    spider bite rash. Brown Recluse Spider Bite
  • Brown Recluse Spider Bite

  • bdkennedy1
    Mar 28, 10:02 AM
    So? Do any of those phones have 1/10th the user experience of the iPhone? Who is standing in line for them? Do you question the speed of the electronics in your TV set? No because it does what it's supposed to do.

    Yes, precisely. Android and other handsets are moving to Tegra 2/Orion based platforms with maybe quad core SoCs coming in Fall '11 from nVidia. An A5 equipped iPhone shipping around September would be outdated the minute it hits the shelves as far as hardware is concerned.

    With Pocket Legends already reporting that gaming on Android is making them more money than on iOS and this delay in Apple's usual release schedule, it could mean that iOS gaming could lose out to Android and set the pace for future developments, just like what happened to Apple in the 80s with the rise of the PC.

    While I doubt we have anything to worry about short term as iOS device owners, if they keep this up in the long term and keep losing ground to Android, it might become a problem.

    spider bite rash. spider bite rash.
  • spider bite rash.

  • MikeTheC
    Nov 26, 10:31 AM
    There are already GNU/Linux based cellphones. And what about the iPhone implies that it would be open in a way that, say, an average Nokia isn't? I appreciate they ported GNU/Linux to the iPod, but for the most part the reason similar things haven't happened on more regular cellphones has been an issue of the amount of work involved, with it being somewhat harder to write a GSM stack from scratch and port a kernel than it is to simply port an off-the-shelf kernel. (And I guess there's the additional issue that there are six zillion cellphones using about one quillion completely incompatible hardware platforms, whereas there are only a handful of MP3 players and only one that's achieved marketshare heaven.)

    Oh, sure. But GNU/Linux could slowly introduce a standardized set of cell phone hardware platforms to build from, just like Intel and AMD and ATI (now a part of AMD, of course) and NVidia produce reference platform hardware that then anyone can make a compatible motherboard/daughter card from, what needs to happen is to have one particularly successful and particularly popular cell phone interface, and then (potentially) everyone would be clamoring to sell it to their customers.

    Now, the difference between cell phones and computers is in the history. Cell phones achieved popularity and mass market penetration before a unifying hardware platform or OS platform came into being; whereas computers didn't achieve that kind of success until afterward. So really the dynamic and all the sequencing here is different.

    spider bite rash. spider bite rash.
  • spider bite rash.

  • DakotaGuy
    May 6, 12:44 AM
    Another option:

    they may include an instant-on iOS in addition to an intel OSX environment. Several other manufacturers have done something similar.

    Unless they want to make you pay for something you don't need... not necessary. The new Intel Macs that are being released right now have so much power that they could run every iOS app in emulated mode and the processor would hardly even notice it. That's today. Imagine where Intel will be in a couple of years? An ARM chip sitting next to an Intel powerhouse is not needed. As far as being instant on... I'd say my iMac wakes up from a sleep just about as fast as my iPad.

    spider bite rash. Brown Recluse Spider Bite
  • Brown Recluse Spider Bite

  • -aggie-
    May 4, 09:00 PM
    Can we get an explanation from the gods, since this is the first game in this format?

    spider bite rash. diameter of the rash (a
  • diameter of the rash (a

  • 7thMac
    Nov 5, 05:32 PM
    I haven't heard the business argument. So businesses with Linux must also be running AV software? How many Mac viruses have there been in the wild?

    spider bite rash. spider bite rash
  • spider bite rash

  • Piggie
    Apr 26, 04:11 PM
    Apple could make a whole range of phones in different sizes, from different materials at different price points.

    Apple could licence iOS to others to make phones running their OS thus opening up iTunes sales to an even larger audience.

    I don't expect Apple will do either.

    Only in the long term future will we be able to look back to now and know if Apple did the right thing, and grew to be one of the world leaders or died a slow and painful death.

    Anyone got a crystal ball, or know Dr Who? ;)

    spider bite rash. brown recluse spider bite,
  • brown recluse spider bite,

  • GregA
    May 6, 03:58 AM
    Why do you think, MS is making an ARM version of Windows 8? Because ARM is gona be the actual feature x68 enemy. Time will tell.

    Or they want Windows phones on ARM... which they already are aren't they?.

    Just like Apple put OSX on ARM 5 years ago (aka iPhone OS).

    spider bite rash. spider bite rash spreading.
  • spider bite rash spreading.

  • roland.g
    May 4, 02:52 PM
    I would get a new iMac now if I knew that Lion would run SL pricing at $29. Otherwise I will wait for a preload. But obviously pricing and a release date won't be forthcoming prior to WWDC at the earliest. Guess we will know more in about 5 weeks.

    spider bite rash. 08 May - Spider Bites
  • 08 May - Spider Bites

  • kgtenacious
    Mar 30, 12:21 PM
    Just like how the iPad's price is sky high?

    Steve Jobs was quoted as saying recently that everytime they've priced for volume (i.e., priced low in the hopes of greater sales) they've seen success. When they haven't priced for volume, their success has been more attenuated. Now this was regarding media and the iTunes store, but there's no reason cloud services couldn't be the same, particularly given how competitive this sphere will be and the fact that there's no real marketing benefit to "premium" data pricing (as opposed to premium laptop/notebook pricing where higher prices can contribute to a perception of higher quality).

    I've been a MobileMe customer since iTools - I pay $5 per GB for a standard plan - and not that much of a discount for more. Amazon's price is is pretty much $1/GB if you buy more. Apple never really does price for volume - they will lower their prices (and have been across the board) but they never undercut their competition - the price is always a "gee that's a pretty good price for an Apple product" - almost never "that cheaper than a "Brand X"".

    MobileMe sales are driven by the hardware - and the new "required" .me address for some items will further drive MobileMe upsells. It will never be priced to compete with services such as Amazon's, it will be priced as the most seamless way to integrate your apple products - at a premium - at lease for online storage. Sure, there are free ways to do everything MobileMe does, but MobileMe is plug'n'play.

    And prices are actually going up for many cloud services - Mozy used to have unlimited backup space for home computers at around $5 a month per computer, but have gotten rid of that pricing model and are now no longer "unlimited" for home use.

    Mar 29, 01:47 PM
    In 5-10 years the iPod will become extinct. By then the touch will be hanging on a thin wire.

    Lemme guess... it'll all be in the cloud, right?

    Nov 26, 01:43 PM
    Interface with iTV, AirPort Express, possibly your Macs for some limited controlling, maybe your iPod or iPod HiFi... I don't want the tablet to be a remote...

    I still want a real Tablet Mac. It probably isn't all that easy to hit the sweet spot for price and capability. You could do something stupid like a remote as I stated above, something like a PDA or something full-blown like a laptop. Frankly, I would love tablet because for college it's useful to whip out the tablet and scribble some things, and it would be nicer than a trackpad on laptop. I just wish my Palm TX and MacBook Pro would meld together... The best I could do is hook up my graphics tablet, but that's just unwieldy to carry around and I don't have the desk space in my dorm.

    Stop talking about it and just make it already!

    Apr 5, 03:52 PM
    Why is Apple bothered by jailbreaking? Why does Apple oppose jailbreaking? Again, as a company which tightly controls the user experience of their devices and doesn't like news such as security flaws, I'm sure there are many things which bother them about jailbreaking, but again there is probably one primary cause: software piracy. Jailbreaking enables software piracy and there's not a whole lot that even the jailbreaking community can do about that.

    Apr 29, 12:02 PM
    Isn't Apple using usb connections for other hardware?
    Likely (Bluetooth). But I don't see it accounting for the other 7 ports on the ICH.

    On the PSU subject, since Transporteur confirms that there are no vents from the HDDs going into the PSU Area, the only thing that could justify moving the PSU to the bottom area of the case would be.. having the power cable closer to the ground :D lol
    If you go back to post 187 (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=12447547&postcount=187) (very bottom), you'll see my take on baffles. ;)

    The more recent post was based on the concept the baffle between the PCIe/HDD and PSU/ODD sections had vent slots in it (misinterpretation of a photo).

    Aug 3, 07:09 AM
    Yeah, what would be the best thing Steve could do Monday is to announce an across the board shift to Core 2 immediately. I don't have the courage to predict this will happen. But it would be the coolest thing in a long time if it does. :cool:

    I agree with you it would make the most sense to just do it all at once instead of incrementally - esp since it's only FIVE MONTHS 'til the January 9 SF MacWorld SteveNote where the OctoCore Mac Pro will likely be added above the Quad - maybe even the Leopard release.

    I think that would make for an impressive presentation. Steve could say the entire line is now intel and by [whenever] the entire line will be 64-bit. Preview Leopard--Apple's first 64-bit optimized OS.

    I think he will want Core 2 in stus ASAP, to stay ahead of the curve. Plus, performance/watt is better <--importatnt to Mr. Jobs.