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Monday, May 16, 2011

sin cara mask

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  • Rocketman
    Aug 31, 03:30 PM
    Google is buying up Dark Fiber. That means no end points into homes like Verizons FIOS has. The bottleneck for full length high resolution movies will be from decentralized distribution centers to the homes. Dark Fiber is helping, but not by much.

    Apple bought Worldcom's new telecom switch center.

    Google is buying Nortel's dark fiber.

    Google's CEO is on Apple's board.

    Nobody is going to run fiber to the last mile.

    The solution is Intel wimax and Samsung 4G.

    I told you so.


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  • e28
    Oct 12, 01:46 PM
    Check out DeaPeaJay's mockup at AppleInsider. Me want.

    No, this is the Target special edition nano that comes with a Target gift card.

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  • mike3k
    Sep 4, 07:54 PM
    An iPod update is way overdue. It's been almost a year since the last major iPod update.

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  • HecubusPro
    Aug 28, 06:08 PM
    "Originally Posted by X5-452
    So, uh.... PowerBook G5's tomorrow?"

    Ha, it makes me laugh still, 'cause it annoys other people..! :p

    You certainly know how to make friends, sir.

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  • MacSA
    Sep 1, 06:42 AM
    A lot of people have doubts as to whether that was a genuine upgrade or some kind of mistake on Apple's part.... or perhaps someone just playing around with us.

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  • cube
    Mar 30, 12:44 PM
    App market?

    Program Store?

    Program Market?

    App Hub?

    App Universe?

    App Base?

    Tool Shed?



    What is the App Store? It is a store where you buy apps, an app store.

    It's not a "shed where you buy apps", for example.

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  • centauratlas
    Mar 29, 11:51 AM
    Since 1984:
    Cmd-X = Cut
    Cmd-C = Copy
    Cmd-V = Paste

    Grab will snap a picture of a window, the entire screen etc. There is also print to PDF.

    Drag and drop to move a file.

    I use both.... and all I can say is "CUT and paste". Windows has had it for years, OS X SL doesn't. Same with window snap.

    I love OS X, but, like with a lot of Apple products, its the "little things" that matter...

    Both are great operating systems, and I will continue to use both since I cannot run Visual Studio on Mac, or XCode on Windows... :)

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  • GregA
    Sep 18, 06:18 PM
    10MP phone cannot be as grainy as a 3MP phone.
    A 10megapixel phone will record more clearly the low quality picture that comes from these tiny lenses.

    It will be a much larger file, and won't look much better than a 3MP. Still, as the lenses improve this will change.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 02:39 AM
    I volunteered only to further my college applications. I really couldn't give a crap about the people my work supposedly helped. All I care about is that it helped me.

    I don't view myself as cold hearted, I view myself as being a realist. This "let's be nice to everyone" crap has turned 95% of society into blithering retarded bleeding hearts. I only care about people who I can use to further myself, or those who have genuinely done something caring for me (family); otherwise you are completely expendable to me (take note anyone who works under me in a decade). I do not feel that society's rules apply to me, because I simply know that I am better than many of the people in society; the rules (including speed limits) are there for lesser folk. Look at our pop culture, it shows how stupid most are. What you call morally and ethically bankrupt, I call opportunistic and motivated.

    You are cold hearted.
    Being a realist has nothing to do with your heart.

    I personally view myself as a realist but I am far from cold hearted. I care about people.

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  • Wang Foolio
    May 3, 10:54 AM
    What I want to know is whether the 27" will play nice with 1080p input from an HDMI adaptor. BD player/PS3 hooked up to a 27" iMac without need for an expensive upscaler would be nice.

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  • d4rkc4sm
    Apr 28, 04:04 PM
    who'd thought this would ever happen back in 1997. seriously, fmita

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  • notjustjay
    Sep 19, 04:27 PM
    He quoted that number on a 5M connection...is that what you have?

    Pfff, who knows. The quality of our local DSL service has gone to crap lately. I would have thought in theory I should be getting 3M, but in reality, it's been pretty slow lately. It doesn't help that the DSL company I'm with now is one that I was dumped with because the one I had originally subscribed to went out of business. I would switch, but I'm not hearing very good things from neighbors with other companies...

    But my point is that Steve talked about 30-minute downloads as if to say that this is what your average user can expect. Sure, some of you can do that. But those of us with crappy DSL/cable (or even.. gasp! dialup!) are not in a place yet where large movie downloads are convenient.

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  • DHUK
    Sep 1, 08:18 AM
    I'd say a refresh of the Mac Mini and/or iMac might happen. Why would they call both of the existing models 'early 2006' (esp. the mini) in this page.


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  • rmhop81
    Apr 22, 01:35 PM
    Cloud is a awful idea, and I hate streaming video technology too because you never can "own" or store the items on YOUR computer in the event something happens.

    I can't believe so many people are following this cloud crap like its a good thing.

    Essentially you'd be paying for items that run on the companies servers in which they pretty much can hold the data hostage.

    2nd, servers do go down and most broadband companies employ caps now (which is ridiculous since internet use is increasing) so that is another issue.

    3rd, if becoming hugely popular, storage space on devices is no longer going to be a priority. (though really hasn't been the last few years for apple anyway)

    If I pay for something it should be on MY computer not some company that can change their policies at any time for any reason. Including boosting prices.

    Now cloud based services would make a nice side kick to storage but it definitely should not kill the current module of downloading stuff to your computer and allowing you to "own" the content and move it how you please.

    Unfortunately the general population don't have the brains to really see the negatives to any apple ideas.
    apple is not the first ones to do this so not sure about your last comment. if you USE itunes, do you REALLY own anything???

    why is there a limit to how many computers you can play a song on? hmmm yeah u don't really own it now do you?

    Look at netflix and hulu plus. if you can get access to TONS of content through a subscription what is the point of owning an actual physical copy if you can watch it from your queue online on your device?

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  • aegisdesign
    Sep 10, 10:41 AM
    I agree that the expandability of the 24inch imac is impressive, but until I see ease of upgradability as well Im all for a mid range. Its also about the CPU, the C2D's are nice, but their not really a match for their desktop counterparts, there are some of us that want the power of a desktop but dont have the budget for the xeon range...

    The Merom and Conroe are almost identical clock for clock. Really, if there's 1 or 2% difference in real world tests I'd be surprised and it's usually down to other factors like RAM or disk.

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  • dondark
    Sep 13, 11:22 PM
    I dont like touchscreen, we will make it dirty very easily.

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  • Chupa Chupa
    Sep 12, 03:27 PM
    what do you mean my windows is close not to upgrade??

    and also, is there any chance that i might be succeeding in returning it... or even getting a refund??? i mean i took the vinyl cover off and just totally used it... can i return it right back to the apple store??

    You can return or exchange it but you'll have to pay a 10% restock fee ($25 or $29 depending on which one you bought). If you bought the 30GB just stick with the "old" 5G. If you bought the 60GB version then $30 is worth the price for another 20GB of storage. But my question to you is, what were you thinking buying an iPod the night before an Apple Special Event focusing on "it's showtime?"

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  • Peace
    Sep 5, 06:01 PM
    What if you downloaded the movie to your Macbook Pro and went on a business trip? Or you only own a laptop?

    HOW are the members of your family going to watch the movie?

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  • rmhop81
    Apr 22, 09:35 AM
    Ummm, what is so hard to grasp about using stuff when NOT AT HOME???? Why is being at home the focal point for you? Why do you assume that people and myself are only going to listen to music when at home? People do it away from home too. Also, I do use WiFi at home. I still have all my music and such stored locally. I have three running copies for one reason....HDD failure. Now, HDDs are inside the space available inside my PC tower so its like they're not even there. So you're right, this wouldn't be for me. Why should I have to pay AT&T more money just because Apple may potentially shake it all up. Nah uh....no way.

    people are complaining about data usage....how much time do you spend at home vs. on the go? i have unlimited so doesn't matter to me. I also, don't own cd's/dvds/blu rays and don't even own a dvd player. physical media is slowing dying. I've been waiting for something like this forever. For someone like you, you are eventually going to have to adopt or live in old age technology.

    Sep 14, 10:34 AM
    My 2 cents worth of predictions as to what will be announced at this event

    Apterture update (going out on a limb there)

    iSight update (since ship times have slipped to October, it seem like Photokina would be a logical place to announce new iSight cameras)

    new Cinema Displays (they were discounted at WWDC over a month ago, so perhaps that's an inventory clearance strategy to make room for new, larger displays that might incorporate built in, adjustable iSights)

    Actually that could be possible. Maybe upgrade the 23" LCD to 24", and introduce a 42" LCD. :eek:

    Sep 14, 07:07 AM
    I assume the screen would be a touch screen. I would hate to start dialing numbers using the click wheel.

    actually steve is going for the nostalgic approach...you gotta wind the clickwheel and then be connected to a switchboard operator who will then connect your call

    Apr 22, 11:18 AM
    Woot Woot! Its a little sad though, about the SB IGP :(

    Apr 22, 02:48 PM
    AMD Fusion w/RadeonHD 6xxx and Price drop to $799 for the 11" and $899 for 13.3" - now that would send the sales skyrocketing.

    Brandon Sharitt
    Sep 14, 09:07 AM
    They'll probably update the MacBook Pro with a Core 2 Duo, and finally add FireWire 800, but otherwise little tweaks. I wouldn't be surprised to see a 20" MacBook Pro being shown off as a mobile photo editing studio.