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Sunday, May 22, 2011

white tail spider bite symptoms

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  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 12, 08:54 AM
    I wouldn't hold my breath, the Back to School iPod promo has always been a bait to help clear out old inventory. They won't make it available to buy, online or off, until after the promo ends.

    This promo isn't to clear out Mac inventory, if anything it is to clear out iPod stock. If they hold back the Merom MBP just so I can't the free iPod I would be pissed and they would hear about it.

    white tail spider bite symptoms. white tail spider bites
  • white tail spider bites

  • DakotaGuy
    Aug 4, 11:54 AM
    You are the perfect consumer. "Must ... have ... bright ... shiny ... new .... thing", whether you need it or not. So what if apple comes out with a new computer every 6 months? If the one you have does what you need it to - why do you care? If your self-worth is tied up in having the latest computer, you just need therapy. And please don't blame Apple for your debt situation.

    I never said that I WAS going to buy one and I probably won't...I usually run a computer 3-4 years, except for my iMac G5 which turned out to be a lemon and that is why I have my Intel one now.

    white tail spider bite symptoms. white tail spider bites
  • white tail spider bites

  • wclyffe
    Dec 5, 07:29 PM
    FYI...you cannot even order it from Tomtom.com. Here's what it says:

    TomTom car kit for iPhone
    USD 119.95

    white tail spider bite symptoms. white tail spider bite
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  • JAT
    Apr 25, 11:24 AM
    Well, I think it's great - I have just been able to track business mileage accurately, even when I have lost the exact date and route - I also can retrace my steps from that holiday 8 months ago where I went to a really nice place and forgot the name of it.

    Neither of those uses is supported by the information in question.

    white tail spider bite symptoms. white tail spider bite
  • white tail spider bite

  • MacNut
    Apr 14, 11:02 AM
    So we have websites that allow us to track where a dollar goes, how about letting us see where all the money the government spends is going

    white tail spider bite symptoms. white tail spider bite
  • white tail spider bite

  • mrelwood
    Mar 27, 10:55 AM
    yet we have to wait months afterwards for the iOS update to take advantage of them?

    Oh, but you have misunderstood. You'll be happy to hear that the iPhone 5 will be completely usable the day it is available.

    And, why would they sell iPhone 5 without iOS 5? Thats just ... :confused:

    Yeah! That would be almost like a MacBook Pro update without an OS update!

    I'll be really pissed if they release another iPad in the fall.

    Are stealing from you? Will it degrade your iPad2 functionality somehow?

    Listen, guys. People keep complaining when Apple comes out with new products because they don't have the money to buy it. I'm a Mac addict myself, but luckily I'm not doing quite that bad. The graving we have for Apple products is the best prove that everything Apple does, product launch dates included, is already working perfectly for their financial gain. No reason to question anything, they'll make a killing no matter what.

    white tail spider bite symptoms. white tail spider bites
  • white tail spider bites

  • Hammer God
    Mar 28, 09:59 AM
    My thought exactly. They would also avoid pissing off 11 million Verizon iPhone customers.

    Hadn't thought of that. Also a good point.

    Having said all this, Apple often points out that they don't worry about their competition, they just do their own thing and let the market sort it out.

    But the decision as to when you release the LTE iPhone will be one of the bigger ones they make in the next few years. Too soon, not enough infrastructure/buyers; too late, you may lose ground to rivals.

    The one thing you can say about Steve Jobs, however, is that he has a very good sense of timing. He generally seems to know when the technology is ready to meet the expectations of consumers. I'm guessing he'll make the right call here again.

    white tail spider bite symptoms. white tail spider bite
  • white tail spider bite

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 2, 01:39 PM
    you have got to be CRAZY to think that he's going to intro an ipod at WWDC, when MW Paris is right around the corner! MW Paris in september is pretty much ALWAYS when they intro ipods and consumer products this time of year.
    I am still a bit curious why the last iPod-updater had text strings such as: "t_feature_app_PHONE_APP, kPhoneSignalStrength,
    if an iPhone isn't around the corner. It doesn't make sense to include that unless the iPhone is very close to be released.
    Besides, wouldn't it be beneficial, in terms of new apps, to let the developers know that the iPhone was about to be released very shortly?

    white tail spider bite symptoms. On, white-tail wt spider bite
  • On, white-tail wt spider bite

  • ZorPrime
    Nov 26, 12:34 AM
    [QUOTE=MikeTheC;3091231]Ok, how about this:

    you read my mind! :eek: :)

    white tail spider bite symptoms. white tail spider bite
  • white tail spider bite

  • kalsta
    May 5, 09:01 AM
    "If you have a stick that is 3' 7 13/16" and need to divide it into 3 equal sections, what is the length of the each section to the nearest 1/64 inch?" as opposed to "If you have a stick that 1233 mm long....." - and no, I didn't check to see if they are the same

    I'd use a calculator in either example, so it's a moot point.

    Out of interest, how would you enter (3' 7 13/16") / 3 into a standard calculator? That would be a nightmare I would think, and quite prone to errors. 1233 / 3 is pretty easy!

    white tail spider bite symptoms. white tail spider bites
  • white tail spider bites

  • Watabou
    Apr 23, 04:44 PM
    That is awesome. I can't wait for a Retina display Macbook Pro. Yeah!

    white tail spider bite symptoms. white tail spider bite
  • white tail spider bite

  • SiPat
    Mar 29, 06:43 PM
    To paraphrase all those advocating that Apple (10% market share) should licence OS X:

    It is about time Kureha (70% share) licences it's technology to produce that whatyamacallit chemical for batteries.

    white tail spider bite symptoms. white tail spider bite
  • white tail spider bite

  • toddybody
    Apr 25, 10:43 AM
    The info circulating around is false.


    PS shouldn't you be at your gym right now? It's Monday morning, after all.

    Good one. Like anyone on MR goes to the gym! Pshh!

    white tail spider bite symptoms. white tail spider bites
  • white tail spider bites

  • macaddict06
    Jul 21, 03:46 PM
    Three words: Back to School.
    One word: September.

    MacBooks are not getting a big bump at WWDC. If anything, the website will post speed upgrades, but other than that, no.
    iPods? Just no. They will come out in September, or else the September 17th due date for a free Nano would be dumb.

    white tail spider bite symptoms. white tail spider bite
  • white tail spider bite

  • callme
    Mar 27, 05:29 AM
    These companies can just float away on their clouds. Cloud-based would make sense if there was wireless and cellular completely covering the nation/world... using cloud at this time would castrate their share of market. I take "cloud-based" rumors as pure rumors at this time. Maybe in 2020 it will be feasible, and no doubt it is being developed. However, by 2020 we will have 1TB iPads. What's the point of cloud, then? Control? Observation?

    There are a lot of reasons. One would be the release of a top-engineered product in October to compete with other products set to compete with the iPad2 at that time. Those pads seem to have this lPad1 spec sheet behind them. If Apple wants to crush competition they should do dual releases for a couple years and constantly update hardware and software to trounce the others which might ruin their grip on the market.

    Physical USB? With a computer that can connect through a dock? What's the big deal? iPads only have 32GB. What would be the use of some giant connector? iPad will do without clunky, redundant additions for a while.

    iPads actually have 64GB models.

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  • Share Your Spider Bite

  • greenstork
    Aug 2, 12:14 PM
    It seems like WWDC would be the ideal event to introduce the OS X mobile platform alongside an iPhone. Oh, and one more thing... :D

    white tail spider bite symptoms. white tail spider bite
  • white tail spider bite

  • mozmac
    Jul 29, 09:23 PM
    I can already see Phil sitting in the audience and then Job's cell phone rings..

    Jobs: um..excuse me a sec..Seems I have a phone call..
    Pulls out this cool looking cell phone,flips it open and says hello?
    Phil: Say Steve,can we have a chat real fast ? then starts up iChat on his iPhone..
    Jobs: starts up iChat on his cell phone..

    The rest is history :D

    That is pure, Apple style right there. Of course, I don't picture this phone being a flip phones. I believe (and hope) flip phones are on their way out. They were a fad, but aren't as practical as candy bar phones. They have more moving parts that can break and take longer to answer, especially if your hands are full or you're driving your car. (All you flip-phone people out there, before you start lashing out in defense, just accept those statements as truth, because you know they are.) Nothing beats hearing your phone, looking down, and pushing a button to start talking. As far as accidently calling people, I lock my phone with the push of a button and don't have any problems.

    white tail spider bite symptoms. white tail spider bite
  • white tail spider bite

  • Gatorman
    Aug 3, 11:38 PM
    the news say intel has already made small shipment last month enough for product launches, .. in september.. apple will expect large shipment.

    so this means launching at wwdc, available in september

    Or perhaps it means enough chips to sell a few thousand (or hundred, I'm just going out on a limb here! :D ) initially, and then mass produce in Sept to keep up with the demand?

    Either way, I want to see them available in August...I can't wait any more. I've waited a year and a half! Of course, I didn't need one up until August, anyway. :p

    white tail spider bite symptoms. white tail spider bite
  • white tail spider bite

  • ender land
    Apr 10, 10:54 AM
    For the record, I am sad that 2 is winning (or even close) to 288. But it does help explain one thing - a reason why so many people I try to tutor/help with math cannot seem to understand basic algebra operations is because nearly 50% of people do not understand order of operations (this was roughly the same percentage on the physics poll linked to earlier) :(

    No wonder people have so much trouble with doing algebra correctly :eek:

    Sep 17, 01:58 AM
    Unfortunately, that's just the way it is with apple, and it's despicable.

    I'm hoping with the next MBP update, they also tweak the enclosure to allow for an easily swappable HDD, like the macbook. It simply isn't fair that a lower end model gets a great feature like that and the higher end gets screwed. I would be sorely disappointed if this did not happen with the update.

    Because of return policy issues, I will probably go ahead and get the 5400rpm drive. It seems like much less hassle to stay away from BTO systems if something goes wrong.MovieCutter told me that there is negligible difference in performance between the 5400 and 7200 high capacity dirves and that the 120GB 5400 is a better way to go - lower heat, higher capacity, lower power draw. I'm hoping the top models have a 160GB Seagate inside.

    If there is no easy access HD bay in the new 17" 2.33GHz C2D MBP I will not buy one of these and opt for a 2GHz C2D MacBook when it ships or wait for the next 17" MBP revision. I feel so strongly about wanting this feature that I refuse to buy a mobile Mac without it.

    Apr 10, 01:53 AM
    This thread is hilarious. Take a calculator and enter the numbers the exact way they are in the OP and you'll only get one answer... On any calculator. If you think you're smarter then a calculator.. Well I have nothing to say to you. Just... Good luck to your ego.

    Answer is 288.

    I inputed it exactly like this in my calculator and I got 2. So...

    Edit: I voted 2 because I thought of it as 48 over (/) 2(9+3)
    But written as 48�2(9+3) I would say 288...


    Nov 28, 03:37 PM
    There is absolutely no room for any case to work with the TomTom car kit.

    I'm guessing you could have a clear protector application like Invisible Shield to prevent scratches and that would fit fine.

    Jul 30, 11:30 PM
    Boy, that phone is fugly!

    It's the iphone killer no doubt!

    May 6, 07:22 AM
    And how did you go from that acquisition to "Google are running their datacenters on ARM" might I ask ?

    Not to mention my article is 2 months old, yours is more than 1 year old. ;)

    Nope, you'll have to retract your "facts". As far as we know, Google doesn't run their datacenters on ARM at all.

    What I really wanted to say is that Google is going to run their datacentres on ARM and for some reason I wrote that they allready are which was a mistake. But the fact that Google bought a company developing ARM processors and also hired engineers from PA Semi that previously worked on Apple's A4 chips means that they ARE going to produce their own ARM chips either for their own Android phones or more likely for their datacentres.