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Monday, May 16, 2011

will kopelman bio

will kopelman bio. Will Kopelman and Drew
  • Will Kopelman and Drew

  • portishead
    Apr 12, 12:28 AM
    Here is my wish list:

    RGB 444 10-bit support. Final Cut can't properly render RGB 10-bit material.

    Real 3:2 pulldown and not 2:2:2:4 like it currently is.

    Quicktime sucks. It needs better audio track support (5.1), subtitles etc. I think we're going to see AV Foundation from now on. There needs to be a real Quicktime Pro, that's better than what it currently is.

    Compressor is just bad it needs to be redone.

    64-bit, Open CL, blah blah

    Project based workflow, instead of capture scratch folders

    Better interface.

    I like Motion, just wish the timeline was a little better.

    will kopelman bio. will kopelman and drew
  • will kopelman and drew

  • smiddlehurst
    Mar 31, 03:15 PM
    Emphasis on the important bit for those who didn't bother to actually read the article. If you want to wait a bit, you can get the code and do whatever you want. Well that's my reading of it anyway, but please, don't let get in the way of giving the new enemy number one a good kicking.

    Except Google have made it very clear with Honeycomb that they're not willing to release the source code for the foreseeable future so 'a bit' could be a lot longer than you'd think. More to the point that does manufacturers very little good. If, f'instance, Google decide to only release a version of Android as open source when they release the next version any manufacturer wanting to use it is going to have to grab the open version, make whatever tweaks they want, get it on a device, get it built in bulk and launch it into the relevant sales channel(s). By the time they do that Google is likely to have released another version of Android and they'll be hopelessly out of date.

    Make no mistake about this, Google tightening up on the Android T&C's like this makes it almost impossible for anyone outside of Google's control to launch a device that really competes with the manufacturers who are on the inside track, at least from an OS point of view.

    will kopelman bio. will kopelman wiki. will
  • will kopelman wiki. will

  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 08:51 AM
    Ok then show me where it says that turning location services off will not stop the tracking. I've scanned the articles and did not find anything that said that. If it does still track when you turn it off, I'd like to know.


    will kopelman bio. will kopelman art consultant.
  • will kopelman art consultant.

  • Peace
    Aug 5, 04:01 PM
    I can't wait for Monday. I'll be working that day, so I am going to try to watch the keynote before reading any updates. I even have the Quicktime Events page bookmarked. :D I figured I would be more surprised by taking this route.

    This is the first WWDC I'm really looking forward to, mainly because of what we're going to see... Leopard in action! :D

    Edit: Peace, that's not entirely true. None of us know whether Apple will release Cinema Displays with iSights built-in. I'd say it is unlikely, but you never know until it actually happens.

    Just an opinion p0intblank.We all have em :)

    will kopelman bio. Boyfriend Will Kopelman At
  • Boyfriend Will Kopelman At

  • Flowbee
    Aug 5, 04:06 PM
    My longshot dream is the Mac Pro Cube.

    will kopelman bio. Related Links: Drew Barrymore, Celebrity Gossip, Will Kopelman, Will Kopelman and Drew Barrymore
  • Related Links: Drew Barrymore, Celebrity Gossip, Will Kopelman, Will Kopelman and Drew Barrymore

  • princealfie
    Nov 29, 11:25 AM
    Here's my take.
    I started a small record label with 3 signed artists. 2 have gone nowhere and probably won't. 1 has finished her debut release (look for Kyria -Whispers In The Dark on itunes!) and we are working on a follow up.
    I write/perform the music and she writes lyrics and sings. We split ANY money coming in 45/45/10. 45% for her, 45% for me and 10% for the label.
    We've sold a few hundred songs on itunes and have made a few hundred bucks from it.

    I think that itunes is a boon for the music biz. But, now you have to have good songs and good artists to succeed. People will not buy 1 hit and 9 loads of crap anymore. Make the very best music, and people will buy it.

    I don't want any tax on what might happen with something. What if the State gave you 25 speeding tickets and 40 parking tickets when you bought a new car? We all know that cars are just used for speeding and parking violations.

    NOW, if Universal get's a cut from every ipod sold, we would want a cut too (not as big of a cut, but still). Not to be greedy, but to be fair to my artists.
    This is why it won't work. Too many independents that would want their piece too.

    Oh ya, go buy Kyria's album on itunes! (If I was a big label, I could charge her for the time I took to post that as advertising expenses... broken is the music industry!)

    Does she appear on emusic?

    will kopelman bio. right, and Will Kopelman
  • right, and Will Kopelman

  • britishempire
    Aug 7, 03:31 PM
    Looks very nice. Spaces will become a "how did we live without this?" feature as expose already has.

    Does anyone know when we can expect a video of the WWDC to be uploaded??:confused:

    will kopelman bio. will kopelman photos.
  • will kopelman photos.

    Apr 7, 11:30 PM
    This is a rumor site??? Really?? No way!

    You people don't know the facts and are jumping to conclusions. You need to realize that this is a RUMOR site....

    will kopelman bio. new guy Will Kopelman took
  • new guy Will Kopelman took

  • squeeks
    Apr 28, 03:58 PM
    Did you ask to see W's birth certificate, or any other president's birth certificate? Why not?

    Because there was never a question of wither or not any of those men were born in the US, with Obama the past was always a bit hazy as to if he was actually born in Hawaii or thats just what his parents told him. Obviously he doesn�t remember BEING BORN in hawaii..his parents could have just told him that.

    But now we have proof and its all over with there�s no need to be calling names about it.

    will kopelman bio. with Will Kopelman,
  • with Will Kopelman,

  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 08:04 AM
    I'm glad they're fixing this "bug"

    But their response is utter crap. They know it - and now everyone knows it.

    As reports came out over a year ago about this - it's only after this tremendous bad press that they "found" it. Mhhhmmmm sure.

    will kopelman bio. will kopelman wikipedia. will
  • will kopelman wikipedia. will

  • Josias
    Sep 19, 10:20 AM
    I think any rumorsite reporting new MBP's after September 1st, should be taken down:p

    What I really want for Apple to announce in the MBP is:
    68 Wh battery on all (4.5 hrs sucks compared to MacBooks 6 hours)
    FW800 on all (really should be there on a pro)
    Magnetic latch (so cool!:D)
    Merom (of course)
    DL SuperDrive (I'm not using it, but I think it is required for a pro machine)

    Many people say the X1600 is too slow to take advantage of 256 MB? WTF?:p
    So my friends 128 MB Radeon 9000 could just as well be 32 MB?
    I think Apple should consider putting 256 MB on all models, X1600 Pro in low end, and X1800 in hi-end.

    I'm not saying I need this stuff, but this is what I'd like for Apple to release.

    will kopelman bio. Will Kopelman
  • Will Kopelman

  • Dunepilot
    Nov 29, 08:13 AM
    Stopping short of a foul-mouthed tirade against Universal and the other majors ... just.

    Vinyl and FairplayAAC only for me these days. Screw these jokers.

    will kopelman bio. will kopelman drew barrymore.
  • will kopelman drew barrymore.

  • myemosoul
    Jun 17, 11:57 AM
    The store i went to showed me the piece of paper with the directions on how to get the PIN numbers and it specifically said that if the store were to try and push a reserve through before 1pm it would be cancelled.
    I for one certainly hope they honor this rule as my store waited until exactly 1pm to try to put mine through and couldn't get a PIN until an hour and a half later.

    will kopelman bio. will kopelman drew barrymore.
  • will kopelman drew barrymore.

  • CaoCao
    Feb 28, 10:02 PM
    I seem to recall you agreeing with this post:

    And by "living with" I mean having sex and having a family as well.
    Yes, I did agree with that post. What is your point?
    And yet you seem quite certain how the human brain works and what is normal/ not normal. :rolleyes:

    My original point was that you made an assertive, sweeping generalization without any backup. Just a very matter-of-fact "Hey, all you humans, here is how your body was designed. All you gays, you are not the default. Trust me, I'm from teh internetz."

    It's clumsy and insensitive at best, and just more religion-based trolling at worst.

    Heterosexuality is by definition normal (conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected). What percentage of the population is homosexual, what percentage is heterosexual?

    Humans by default have four fingers and a thumb on each hand. Am I being mean to people with more or fewer fingers? No, just stating a fact.

    will kopelman bio. will kopelman images.
  • will kopelman images.

  • yg17
    Apr 27, 08:49 AM

    There you have it. The birthers aren't satisfied. I knew it.

    will kopelman bio. will kopelman wiki. boyfriend
  • will kopelman wiki. boyfriend

  • mcrain
    Mar 23, 02:59 PM
    "Lying" implies intent. Are you accusing them of lying, or getting it wrong? They absolutely lied, and they got stuff wrong. I believe there was malevolent intent, and to the extent that can't be proven, there was clear reckless disregard for the truth.

    Is it your position that Libya represents a larger danger to American assets/security than Iraq? If not, is it your suggestion that America should be involved in every humanitarian crisis with brutal dictators worldwide, or at least those comparable to Libya? If so, why aren't we in North Korea? Why aren't we in any number of African nations? There are many in the mainstream media and many on the left who are saying today that there are problems. Asking why we didn't go into other African countries, criticizing the coalition and the idea that this is "minimal" US involvement. I'm not claiming the left is perfect, but rather pointing out that your claim (re: hipocricy from 'the left in media') is far too broad and ignores the realities of the media coverage and congressional responses.

    But I also think it's important (especially in this forum) to point out hypocrisy stemming from the left so that the Macrumors Echo Chamber doesn't keep you all in denial. I've been in these forums for a long time, and I can tell you that while some denial occurs, liberals are far more likely to be critical of the politicians they support than conservatives are.

    will kopelman bio. will kopelman art consultant.
  • will kopelman art consultant.

  • FF_productions
    Jul 15, 01:30 AM
    Is it possible that the lower end models (rumored to be single processor) will be upgradeable by BTO or later on by the user by putting in another processor?

    Depends on how it is built, I'm sure you will be able to though. I know just as much as you.

    will kopelman bio. will kopelman drew barrymore.
  • will kopelman drew barrymore.

  • Unspeaked
    Sep 19, 12:23 PM
    Haha... no.

    History has shown that having a product out sooner... doesn't mean you win the market. (Sega Dreamcast?) Sony will still kick due to the deluge of developers producing for the PS3. More software == more sales. In addition, the PS3 is completely backwards compatible (which is huge).

    Nintendo will live as long as the 8 bit gen kids still are around. The Wii also promises me to play any old Nintendo game via some sort of download... It's cheap... Sign me up.

    This is so right. Time and time again in the console wars, the first to market did not win in the end. It's ALWAYS been the system with the best game selection.

    3rd Gen:

    First to Market: Sega
    Best Game Selection: Nintendo
    Winner: Nintendo

    4th Gen:

    First to Market: TurboGraphics 16
    Best Game Selection: SuperNintendo/SegaGensis (tie)
    Winner: SuperNintendo/SegaGensis (tie)

    5th Gen:

    First to Market: Atari Jaguar
    Best Game Selection: Sony Playstation
    Winner: Sony Playstation

    6th Gen:

    First to Market: Sega Dreamcast
    Best Game Selection: Sony PS2
    Winner: Sony PS2

    The same could be said for advanced hardware; the winners in the game consoles were always the systems with the best game selections, not the ones that were first to market NOR the ones that had the best hardware.

    Of course, this has gotten WAY off topic now ;)

    (But I must say I'm going to preorder a Wii for sure!)

    will kopelman bio. will kopelman wikipedia. will
  • will kopelman wikipedia. will

  • Evangelion
    Aug 27, 04:34 AM
    We are talking here about Macintosh buyers, not about idiots.

    I'm sorry but I have seen plenty of evidence around the net (in this forum and elsewhere) that many Mac-users have zero clue when it comes to computers.

    Mar 31, 02:41 PM
    How is it biting them in the ass? Android is the fastest growing OS with a larger share than IOS. I think it's been a very succesfull strategy.

    It's because of the Buy One Get One option. Nothing more. People choose that option because it makes financial sense and if they don't really care about the OS or the phone, they will choose the one that fits their check books. If Apple was to OK ATT and VZ to do a Buy One Get One on the iPhone, there would be no comparison. It would be game over for Android.


    Bradley W
    Aug 7, 10:27 PM

    Apr 12, 03:35 PM
    Looking forward to the new final cut studio.

    if apple is smart they will allow access to individual parts of the suite
    as seperate Mac App Store downloads.

    I doubt they will. Because even as single apps they would probably be too bloated to really be plausible as downloads.

    A much better Final Cut Express would be a different game. It would be pared down enough that it could work. And hopefully would have the same interface as the big boy (or every close to) so it could act as 'training wheels' for students etc that might move up later.

    Same with Logic Express to Logic Studio

    Here's what I am hearing:


    I'm not buying some of the things mentioned. Starting with the notion that it will only work on 10.7. I think that there will certainly be features that would require the 64 bit support of 10.6/7 but I suspect that some features will still work (albeit perhaps slower) in 10.5.8. I do suspect that any support for prior OS versions and even single core processors could be out.

    I doubt that round tripping will no longer exist but I do think that they will have improved it so that it is seamless or closer to seamless.

    I also disagree that they will drop tape capture. It's just not the right time especially if they want to keep their fans in the studios and such (who still use tape and film). In fact if anything I think they could add a separate capture/log program that would allow users to import and tag media that would be accessible to all the programs.

    I do hope they are correct about Server. If it is a separate program it would be great if it acted more like a plug-in than a totally new item

    Jul 14, 02:54 PM
    Without a doubt. And in keeping with long tradition, the "less expensive" name-brand PC will mysteriously come with less (ports, software, even speed if Netburst lingers) than the Mac
    I'm talking about Core2 Duo machines - either Conroe or Woodcrest.

    Ports? My G5 tower had no more ports than any other PC I've seen. My current CD iMac actually lacks any kind of high-speed port for external hard-drives or burners.

    Software? OK, I know it's supposed to be a selling point, but there's not a damn thing outside of iTunes I use in iLife enough to justify hardware prices at any level. They're nice freebies, but I happily pay the Apple Tax to have an OS that works with me rather than against me. Unquestionably worth it, but I'm not going to pretend that I'm getting good value in the (theoretical) hardware.

    I think I know what the apologists will say - no one else will offer Woodcrest in a low-end pro machine, they'll use Conroe. And yeah, that's probably true, but for a reason - there's no reason to put Woodcrest in the low-end tower offering, aside from a desire to perpetuate the artifical line distinctions. Which isn't going to cut it in the Intel world.

    Apr 27, 08:31 AM
    He shouldn't have given in to the racists. But it's out there. Now will Donald Trump and all of these other racist *******s please shut the hell up?

    Of course they won't. Now they will state that it isn't real, no doubt. But that's fine. The more that Trump crows about such issues, the more foolish he makes himself and the entire Republican party look.