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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

calendario 2011 abril

calendario 2011 abril. calendario 2011 abril.
  • calendario 2011 abril.

  • macAllen
    Aug 9, 03:47 AM
    Love that scenic stuff...

    calendario 2011 abril. En el primer calendario
  • En el primer calendario

  • Multimedia
    Jul 26, 11:18 PM
    Maybe where you live. I tried it in La Jolla, CA with Terk TV5 and I just was able to get couple channels and very choppy.Yeah I have to move my Terk TV5 antenna every time I change the channel. It's not easy. Very sensitive to antenna position A LOT.Sorry Multimedia. I even joined your yahoo group and I was very excite about the possibilities of the EyeTV500. I just turned out to be not the way you said.
    It works maybe for you, but in some cases like mine require way more than what your are just saying.
    I am just trying to make sure people are not going through the same hassle and disappointment I had.
    so be aware!Sorry. Off air recording is obviously a crap shoot. I do have to tweak the antenna every time I change channels. So there is a lot of baby sitting the antenna I have to do all the time. Digital Broadcast TV is both a blessing and a curse. I wonder if it's a conspiracy by the cable operators to force subscriptions.

    calendario 2011 abril. Calendario de abril de 2011
  • Calendario de abril de 2011

  • Peligro
    Jan 9, 02:51 PM
    This is my first time witnessing a live Macworld. I made the switch early last year and have become more addicted since. I was hoping for an update to the Mac Pro. A price drop, Cores maybe. Some More Juiciness about Leopard. I think the iPhone is really cool! I'm not that interested tho. I'm happy for everyone that has been dreaming of one.

    I found the announcement of the name change to be scary. Obviously this keynote is a good example of how they are dropping the "computer" focus on the company. Which is kinda cool in a way but scary too. Just when I start getting into this whole thing they switch focus? I hope this isn't as bad as I think it could be.

    I'm voted on disappointed but I am not totally bummed. I still think it was a great keynote. And I still think Steve and Apple are "Wicked cool". I can't wait to see the video.:cool:

    calendario 2011 abril. calendario. wallpapers
  • calendario. wallpapers

  • The.316
    Dec 1, 08:59 AM
    Not too much going on there BTM :p


    calendario 2011 abril. Calendario+2011+abril;
  • Calendario+2011+abril;

  • Mrcarden
    Jun 23, 08:22 PM
    I'll probably be getting in line around 11 pm. Is anyone else there or planning on getting in line soon?

    calendario 2011 abril. Calendario de Tarzán para
  • Calendario de Tarzán para

  • axeldtf
    Apr 20, 04:09 PM
    Mine for a little while...

    http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/541/screenshot20110420at500.th.png (http://img534.imageshack.us/i/screenshot20110420at500.png/)


    calendario 2011 abril. Calendario abril 2011
  • Calendario abril 2011

  • zap2
    May 4, 09:15 AM
    To OP


    Until then, all the evidence we have suggests the opposite

    Once we have evidence, we can then debate the usage of enhanced interrogation/torture then.

    calendario 2011 abril. En el año 2011, Semana Santa
  • En el año 2011, Semana Santa

  • applekid
    Nov 26, 01:35 PM
    I think Apple should sell the iPhone unlock, if they really plan on selling an iPhone. Try to innovate the cell phone market, if you will. Every gadget wearer knows about unlocking phones or buys unlocked phones and hops around services. It's a niche thing, but if Apple was to make some in-roads with this, I think Apple can dodge all the phone crippling, while still selling this phone directly to the masses. The partnerships with services can come later.


    calendario 2011 abril. Calendario 2011 Pixar precio,
  • Calendario 2011 Pixar precio,

  • seanmcbay
    Oct 9, 03:13 PM
    Can someone please tell me if Tweetie 2 retains the Ping.fm support from Tweetie 1?

    calendario 2011 abril. Del 17 al 30 de abril de 2011
  • Del 17 al 30 de abril de 2011

  • sheepopo39
    Apr 23, 09:04 PM
    I'm wondering how to access your battery information through cocoa (such as your battery percentage, time remaining). I know that on iOS you access it through UIDevice, but I cannot think of an equivalent one for OS X, does anyone know?


    calendario 2011 abril. calendario 2011 espaa.
  • calendario 2011 espaa.

  • caspersoong
    Apr 29, 04:16 AM
    I always thought that Apple could not meet demand... or is that still so?

    calendario 2011 abril. El calendario 2011 tiene los
  • El calendario 2011 tiene los

  • Ingot
    Apr 6, 11:44 AM
    How much is that?

    About 12 PB's worth I guess.


    calendario 2011 abril. calendario 2011 Torrent
  • calendario 2011 Torrent

  • Lord Blackadder
    May 5, 02:11 AM
    I want retribution, so do most americans.

    We have a right to defend ourselves. But revenge is not self-defense. We had a right to pursue bin Laden in order to bring him to justice, but the way we went about doing it reaped a sickening harvest of death, destruction and loss of international credibility all out of proportion to even bin Laden's value as a target. Al Qaeda was designed to function without a head, and bin Laden was a willing martyr. Some retribution.

    The real reason for the celebrations over his death is a perceived saving of face and rationalization of all the money and human flesh expended in the effort. You can take bin Laden's corpse; I'll take the trillion plus dollars and ten thousand American (and unnumbered Iraq/Afghan etc.) lives back, given the choice.

    As for enhanced interrogation, go for it. Skunk, i know you want the best for the world and im sure you're good intentioned, but many of your views are simply unrealistic. The world isn't that rosey.

    Still too squeamish to call it torture? The fundamental difference between terrorist organizations and authoritarian regimes on the one hand, and the civilized world on the other, is the latter's unwillingness to have recourse to violence. Policies of torture are unbecoming of a nation of people who purport to uphold the US constitution, regardless of the extreme methods adopted by our enemies. Once we sink to their level, we lose all our moral superiority and become victims of our own hate and fear as much as victims of the machinations of our opponents.

    calendario 2011 abril. calendário Abril 2011 -
  • calendário Abril 2011 -

  • iJohnHenry
    Jan 13, 04:50 PM
    A diesel Polo would be great for my commute. I'd be all over that.

    That's why you can't have it.

    Millions would feel the same, and "we" can't have that, now can we? :rolleyes:


    calendario 2011 abril. calendario 2011 screenshot
  • calendario 2011 screenshot

  • mikeapple
    Mar 31, 10:24 AM
    with tens of millions of iPads sold... Adobe would be stupid not to work hard on making an intuitive powerful Photoshop app for the iPad... very Post-PCish is you ask me

    calendario 2011 abril. calendario 2011 mexico.
  • calendario 2011 mexico.

  • stationstops
    Mar 25, 12:02 PM
    I think google has a lock on the map thing. I can't see apple employees driving around remapping the world to get their own data base

    I dont think they are looking to collect source data - there are plenty of license sources for that today.

    Its how the maps app works - I dont like Android as much as iOS for a lot of reasons, but maps and navigation is definitely not one of them.

    I hope they upgrade their GPS systems also - in NYC, iPhone 4 GPS on foot is extremely poor compared to my Sprint EVO.


    calendario 2011 abril. Computer - Calendario 2011
  • Computer - Calendario 2011

  • MacHappytjg
    Jun 25, 05:18 PM
    do u know if airport extremes work with emac g4? Cause im thinking about going wireless on my eMac, and i'm in Canada if that makes a difference?

    Dis regaurd that sorry i need just an airport card

    calendario 2011 abril. Calendario 2011 de la
  • Calendario 2011 de la

  • azurehi
    Mar 23, 01:51 PM
    Its funny how every position at Apple is either a Vice President or Senior Vice President of something... hehe..

    It's like the FBI...Everyone is a Special Agent. Whoops, guess They opened a file on me now, or added to my present one :eek:

    calendario 2011 abril. scarica il calendario 2011
  • scarica il calendario 2011

  • bmwhd
    Apr 26, 09:26 AM
    Sadly, like Dr. Jones, I can offer no proof of it until tomorrow (when it won't matter ;) ).

    My Verizon contact showed me his production white CDMA IP4 last night and indicated they would in fact go on sale in the US on 4/27.

    He went on to confirm rumors I've read here and elsewhere that the paint issue was a red herring. The proximity sensor was the problem all along and is a complete redesign on the white phone.

    Apr 1, 05:10 PM
    link doesn't work (3:09 pm PST)

    just go to http://www.spymac.com

    Now .Mac team, time to step up and hook up us .mac members

    Dec 16, 06:37 AM
    Jvmxtra, can I get a link to your background?

    Mar 31, 10:47 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    This isn't supposed to happen

    The iPad isn't a "serious" computer. It's just a toy.

    Jan 7, 10:41 PM
    The title of this thread made me think there was an origami competition. :)

    Anyway, I just joined the MacRumors team.

    Apr 28, 01:05 AM
    *crosses fingers for other surprise*
    (Thunderbolt ACD..?)